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Medical tax certificates vs tax summary - do you need your claims details?

Every July, we send you your medical tax certificate to submit with your income tax return. The Scheme is required by SARS to provide you with the total contributions paid in the current tax period, the total value of claims not covered by the Scheme and the confirmation of the beneficiaries on your membership. This is the two-page medical tax certificate we provide to you. In the past, we also sent a separate attachment with the details of your claims - the tax summary. This is not a SARS requirement, but rather a supporting document for members who needed the detail to reconcile their medical expenses or to respond to SARS queries.

POPIA has required us to reconsider the content and form of all communication we distribute to our membership with the aim of reducing the risk of your personal information falling into the wrong hands. Tax summaries are large files full of personal information which are seldom used by all members which when emailed to the membership increases the risk. From 2022, we will only be sending you your tax certificate. However, you will always be able to request the tax summary from the Call Centre or by email to member@angloms.co.za. The easiest and most secure way to obtain it is to download it from the member log in area on the Scheme website or access it in the Anglo Medical Scheme App. For the above reasons, and to improve your online safety, we will not be emailing the tax summary in the future unless requested to do so.

Published: February 2022.

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