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  3. Article 2022
  4. The importance of continuous contribution payments

The importance of continuous contribution payments

We would like to remind our self-paying members, whether you pay 100% of your contributions or only a part of it, to always ensure contribution payments are made in full and paid in time. If contributions are not paid within three months, the membership will be firstly suspended and thereafter terminated. This does not only result in losing cover for healthcare services, but also puts your eligibility to reinstate your membership at risk. This has particularly severe consequences if you are a pensioner member: there is no option to re-join the Scheme if your membership is terminated as only new or existing employees of our participating employers may join or re-join the Scheme. A pensioner membership is a continuation of the membership you enjoyed as an employee. Being a previous employee or a pensioner who discontinued their membership does not entitle them to membership at a later date.

Published: February 2022.

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