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Prepare yourself for this winter season

In case it has been forgotten, most of us have lived quite isolated lives for the past two years and have not been exposed to the common flu virus. Now is the time to consider when last you had a flu vaccine and the likelihood that your natural influenza immunity may be waning. The new flu vaccines are now available in South African pharmacies, which are funded by the Scheme, including the related consultations. This year it is particularly important for those suffering from 'long' Covid-19 and our at-risk members who already suffer from respiratory diseases, to consider protection before the onset of the colder months.

Beneficiaries over 55 years of age might also want to consider a pneumococcal vaccine. This once-off vaccine and consultation are funded by the Scheme as well. As we all know, vaccines can't always protect you completely from the disease but, as you age, your immune system weakens, and you may want to make use of every available option to reduce the chances of contracting, as well as minimising the severity of pneumonia. Discuss your personal need for vaccination with your doctor and ask which vaccine you should get, and when.

A reminder on Covid vaccines: There is no shortage of information about Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters in the media, and you would have received the most recent and useful material from our administrator, Discovery Health; however, if you wish to receive more from the Scheme, please do let us know.

Published: March 2022.

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