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Board of Trustees changes

Duncan McCallum announced his retirement after serving as Vice Chairman for four years and seven years as a Trustee; his leadership and astuteness will be missed. We are sincerely grateful to Duncan for the invaluable and significant contributions he has made for the benefit of all members.

We wish him all the very best in his future endeavours. Dr Frank Fox has been appointed to take up the reins as Vice Chairman. The Scheme is fortunate to have Frank serving on the Board with his in-depth understanding of healthcare. He is a highly qualified medical doctor with significant experience, both local and international, who has worked with AMS and served on the Board for many years. We look forward to working with Frank as our Vice Chairman. Mary Farrell has previously served as an alternate member-elected Trustee and we welcome her back to the Board, replacing Duncan as a member-elected Trustee.

Published: March 2022.

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