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Adding new dependants to your membership

In the February 2022 edition of MediBrief we explained who can be added to your AMS membership as your dependant. We mentioned that natural children, stepchildren or legally adopted children can be registered as child dependants. If you are expecting an addition to your family, please remember to register the child within 30 days of joining your family, whether it is by birth or by adoption. Should you miss the 30-day deadline, a general waiting period of three months would apply, where you might not be able to claim for healthcare services. In the case of prematurely born babies this can become very costly, as these infants generally need a lot of medical care, mostly in hospital, until they are considered 'full term'. The same 30-day period applies if you get married or add any other family member to your membership that depends on you. Whichever scenario it is, please remember to add your dependant to your membership as soon as they become part of your family.

Published: May 2022.

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