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Please ensure we have your current contact details

As you might know, we recently carried out a communications survey. To those members that have participated - thank you for helping us understand your preferences in receiving Scheme communication. The survey was anonymous; however, if you left a comment and your membership number, the Scheme will review and respond in due time. Should you need a more immediate response, email member@angloms.co.za for assistance. We will report back on the outcome of the survey in a future MediBrief edition but would like to share with you one observation today. We emailed the survey to all members that provided us with an email address. Unfortunately, we cannot post surveys due to the inefficiencies of the postal system. However, because we felt it important to include and represent all members - also those without email addresses - we selected a random group of members and tried to call them. We were only able to reach 18% of these members, after multiple attempts. This is worrying as we wonder if we still have your current telephone phone number and whether we would be able to reach you in a more urgent matter. According to the Scheme Rules, it is your responsibility to keep your contact details up to date with the Scheme. If you do have an email address that we can use to communicate with you, please make it available to us. In our experience, this is the most reliable and efficient way to communicate today.

Published: July 2022.

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